Lenses for Keratoconus

Suitable Lenses for Keratoconus


The process of properly fitting contact lenses for keratoconus (KC) is equal parts science and art. Both the patient and the fitter need to have a considerable bit of patience in order to complete the process successfully. Put your trust in a knowledgeable KC lens fitter to assist you in selecting the lens that will work best for your eye. To determine which lens provides the optimal balance of visual acuity, comfort, and corneal health for each individual, each person’s specific requirements are taken into careful consideration.

The following is a brief explanation of each lens that KC offers.

Soft Contact Lenses

Soft or disposable contacts are not often an option for KC patients; however, certain tailored soft contacts may be able to offer vision for people who have difficulty tolerating ‘hard’ lenses. Because these lenses offer dramatically reduced visual clarity, one must thoughtfully consider the trade-off between comfort and optimal eyesight while considering whether to purchase them.

Rigid and Gas Permeable Lenses

Hard or “rigid gas permeable” (sometimes referred to as GP or RGP) corneal lenses are the kind of lens that are most commonly used to correct KC. Because the lenses permit the cornea to “breathe” oxygen via the lens material, they are ideal for the eye’s health and give exceptional eye health. RGP lenses are not only simple to insert, remove, and care for, but they may also be specially made to fit the peculiar contours of the KC cornea. The vision correction provided by these lenses is excellent; yet, some patients are unable to tolerate having to wear them for extended periods of time.

Piggyback Lenses

A procedure known as a tandem or piggyback lens involves placing a soft contact lens on the cornea and then placing a corneal GP lens or hybrid lens on top of the soft lens. These two lenses work together to correct vision. Some people think that using this dual lens system is worth the additional effort since it stops the surface of the stiff lens from hurting the delicate cornea. Nevertheless, using this system requires more labour.

Hybrid Lenses

In the heart of these speciality lenses is a GP lens, and the lens’s peripheral “skirt” is made of a soft material. The hybrid lens provides the convenience, centration, and stability of soft lenses while still providing the crisp vision that comes from having stiff centre optics.

Scleral Lenses

Scleral lenses are large-diameter general purpose (GP) lenses, ranging in size from a nickel to a quarter, that are intended to vault over the whole cornea and rest on the sclera (the white part of the eye). Due of its size, the lens bowl needs to be pre-filled with saline solution that has not been preserved before it can be put on the eye. It’s possible that initially putting in and taking out scleral lenses will be difficult for some people, but the vast majority of users report outstanding vision and comfort.

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