Palliative care

Palliative care: duration, end of life, at home, what is it.?


What is the difference with the end of life?

For example, one can be in a palliative situation for a disease for months or even

When are you hospitalized in palliative care?

Not all palliative situations require hospitalization in a palliative care unit. We find the most complex patient situations there. The complexity can be symptomatic but also social, psychological, relational, ethical and social. he objective of the team is then to think about the means to be implemented to help the patient and his entourage in this stage which can be the ultimate.

Who is concerned ?

Patients who can benefit from palliative care are those whose state of health is extremely impaired . The people mainly concerned are the patients:

What care is provided in palliative care?

The priority of the medical teams working in palliative care is the physical and moral relief of the patient “but also a particular attention to the little pleasures of everyday life and to the benchmarks of life that make life meaningful even with a serious illness” adds the specialist. Several complementary medicines are offered in the palliative care units: hypnosis , art therapy, plantar reflexology, virtual reality headset, cooking workshop and even wine bar as at Clermont-Ferrand University Hospital which is the first public establishment in France to having opened one in 2014.

What happens when you are hospitalized in palliative care?

Respite stays for patients whose home caregivers are running out. The palliative care units are therefore resource structures and an opportunity for loved ones to make time for themselves. “It’s also an opportunity for the medical team to take stock of the situation and try to optimize patient comfort.”

Stays to balance symptomatic treatments in the face of a refractory symptom (pain, sleep, vomiting, etc.).

Terminal stays where patients are hospitalized in a terminal palliative situation and will die in the unit .

Can we stay in palliative care for a long time?

situation and others for several months because the downstream structures have not been thought by the Directorate General for the Offer of Care (DGOS) and other supervisory bodies” , replies Dr Guastella.

Palliative care at home: for whom, how?

The Claeys-Leonetti law of February 2, 2016  recalls the right of patients to be able to choose their place of end of life. Home is part of it. The decision to set up hospitalization at home is taken by prescription from the attending physician or hospital, who then remains the referent of the professionals intervening with the patient. As the Haute Autorité de Santé reminds us in a document published in June 2016 , hospital discharge is organized by him and he must ensure:

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